Why Does the Caged Bird Sing?

I'd like to start off tonight by talking about a young man who is very special to Kevin and me. This young man has become very inspirational to us. He has incredible inner strength, courage and determination. Another special thing about this young man is that he likes to sing to the Lord. For a 10- year-old, he has incredible spirituality and faith. This young man likes to tell it like it is and loves to "razz" you. He is quite a character. Many times when we are visiting him, and whenever we leave after visiting him, we often think of the title of a book by Maya Angelo. The title is "Why does the caged bird sing?". For you see, this young man has a terminal illness, one for which there is no cure. This young man knows he is dying. Yet, through it all, his strength, courage and determination shine through. Even though some days he is in great pain and some days he is too weak to get out of bed, he always finds the strength to get on your case, to "razz" you and he always finds the strength to sing to the Lord. In the face of death he finds reason to live.


A few months ago while Kevin and I were on emergency standby duty, we received a call to pick up a young girl about eight years of age. When I walked in the Agency to get her, I was stunned by this young girls' beauty. Even though her face from her chin to her hair line was a dark shade of black, yellow and purple bruises, even though her entire face was swollen and even though both eyes were almost swollen shut from the beating she had received, you could see she was a very beautiful child. After spending the next few days with her, it was also obvious that this child possessed a beautiful soul. Her face hurt her to laugh, yet laugh she did. She had been through some rough times and was hurting both physically and emotionally, yet she found time to laugh and smile.


It has been almost three years now that our 5-year-old foster son came to live with us. Within a few weeks of being in care, this little boy quickly gained a reputation among Agency staff, respite homes and other foster parents as being wild, uncontrollable, unpredictable and at times, physically violent. At other times, he would put his head down and shut down and there would be nothing you could do for him. Kevin and I always maintained that at home we saw a different side of this little boy and he really wasn't as bad as he appeared. About five months ago, we bought him a radio for his room and then something happened. Among all his shyness, his anger, confusion, and rage, when he was in the safety and security of his own room, his own private space, he turned on his radio and he began to sing. I must admit I wasn't too crazy about the fact that he picked country music to sing, but now he even has me singing it! Hearing this little boy sing is truly magic.


I received a phone call a few short weeks ago that told me the young man I first spoke of had passed away. His terminal illness had claimed his life. As I sat down, tears filling my eyes, I began to think of him. I thought of his strength, courage and determination. I thought of his spirituality, his faith and his character. Soon a smile came to my face. For you see, one time we had visited him, he had told us his dreams. He dreamt of one day meeting Jesus and also seeing a younger brother again who had passed away before him. Through all his pain and suffering, I now knew he had reached his dream. He was now living his dream. And I knew then.....


When the young girl left our home, the bruises were still very prominent on her face. As we said our goodbyes, we hugged and laughed. Children are very perceptive and she could see in my eyes I was worried about her future and well being. She looked into my eyes with a look that said loud and clear..."Don't worry, I'll be OK. Tomorrow will always be a better day. And I knew then.....


When my foster son is in his room singing away, I secretly peek into his room and watch. No matter what kind of day he has had, the look of peace on his face as he sings tells it all. I knew then.....


Everyone of us here in one way or another is a caged bird. The question is...are we singing? The children know the tune...and they are more than willing to teach us the notes. STOP..........LOOK...............and LISTEN...........And you will know WHY.......


Presented by Deanna Rupp
Foster Parent Appreciation Dinner
Written by Deanna & Kevin Rupp

©1995, Deanna & Kevin Rupp
Please do not copy or reproduce without permission.


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More speeches presented by Kevin and Deanna

Wind Beneath My Wings - 1993
When the Children Cry - 1994
Because You Loved Me - 1996

Hosted by iVillage.com